1.12. Deposit To Card Transfer


Deposit to card transfer (D2C) is a money transfer from Connecting Party bank account (Deposit) to Receiver bank card number (PAN) or tokenized card data (Card Reference ID). Deposit to card transfer is made in three steps:

Initial payment – any transaction type with present cardholder data will work as initial payment - sale, preauth, transfer, etc. It is important to make the initial payment the most secure way in order to guarantee that a real card holder is registering the card.
Card registration – get card-ref-id (Card Reference ID) and register Customer’s card in their profile. Card Reference ID can be used unlimited number of times, while the bank card is active.
Money transfer – run v4/transfer-by-ref/ API command using destination-card-ref-id obtained on previous step.
See terms definitions in Glossary.

Deposit To Card Transfer Flow


skinparam roundcorner 20
skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 1
skinparam maxmessagesize 1200
skinparam sequenceParticipant underline
actor Плательщик as P
participant "Присоединяющаяся Сторона" as A
participant Payneteasy as B
hnote over P,B : Инициация платежа
== Регистрация карты ==
A -> B: api/v2/create-card-ref
activate A
activate B
B --> A: Return card-ref-id
deactivate B
A -> A: Назначение токен ИД профилю Клиента
deactivate A
== Получение информации о карте ==
group Опционально
A -> B: api/v2/get-card-info/
activate A
activate B
B -> A: Получение информации о карте
deactivate A
deactivate B
== Списание средств на карту ==
A -> B: api/v4/transfer-by-ref/
activate A
activate B
B --> A: Ответ с ИД транзакции
B -> B: Обработка\nсписания средств
group Получение финального статуса
== Получение обратного вызова \nПрисоединяющейся Стороны ==
A <- B: Обратный вызов с финальным статусом
A --> B: HTTP 200
deactivate B
== Запрос статуса ==
A -> B: Получение статуса по ИД транзакции
activate B
B --> A: Конечный статус
deactivate A
deactivate B

(1) To implement Card registration and get Card Reference ID see /api/v2/create-card-ref.
(3) Connecting Party assigns Card Reference ID to Customer’s profile, after which Connecting Party shows the page saying that the card registration is successful and initial payment approved.
(4) To implement Card information request by Card Reference ID see /api/v2/get-card-info. The contents of response to this request can be used to show information about previously used card to Payer or to update Connecting Party database. This request can be made anytime if Connecting Party has Card Reference ID.
(6) Connecting Party initiates deposit to card transfer (D2C). To implement deposit to card request see api/v4/transfer-by-ref
(9) To implement callback with final status handling see Connecting Party Callback.
(11) To implement order status request see /api/v2/status/. Status should be requested multiple times with 3-5 seconds interval until final status will be received in response.
(12) Final Status can be sent by Connecting Party based on internal business model or by Receiver’s request.