1.17. Google Pay™ App


Google Pay™ is an electronic wallet system that allows making one-click payment using a card stored securely on Google side. There is no need to enter card details during Google Pay™ transaction.
Access to the payment mechanism is possible from any device, which supports Google Pay™.
After choosing Google Pay™ payment method, the payer will see the form on which he confirms his Google account and card he is going to use to pay for order. If payer doesn’t have a previously registered card, he may do it while making payment.

See terms definitions in Glossary.

Integrate Google Pay™ in App with the following steps:

1. Read and accept Terms of Service.
5. Follow the transaction flow instructions. Google Pay™ Sale Flow.

How to integrate Google Pay through Payneteasy

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Terms of Service

The following rules must be complied to use Google Pay™:
The following rules must be complied to use Google Pay™ on mobile apps:

Google Pay™ Account Setup

  1. Connecting Party must register in Google Console. Instead of gmail, Connecting Party can use a corporate email address.

../_images/gpay-1.png ../_images/gpay-2.png
  1. Then, from the account screen in the console, save the Merchant ID and proceed to the registration of the website in the Google Pay API section.

  1. Add a website using the “Add website” button.

  1. Specify screenshots of the checkout and payment form in the website settings, as well as integration type = Gateway and the address of the Connecting Party’s website from where the purchase starts.

  1. Send the website address and Merchant ID to Payneteasy support managers.

Google Pay™ Integration in an Android App

Google Pay™ integration in an Android app supports only CRYPTOGRAM_3DS (tokenized) authentication type. All requests using PAN_ONLY (non-tokenized) authentication type will be automatically declined.

Google Pay™ Authentication Types

Connecting Party can independently choose the card types in Google Pay™ that will be available for payment. The card type is specified in the allowedAuthMethods Google request parameter.
There are two card types (authentication methods):
  1. PAN_ONLY (non-tokenized) - cards stored in payer`s Google account. These cards available on any device of the payer.
    The token contains the number and expiration date of the physical card. That is why 3-D Secure authentication is required for these cards. 3DS is required for PAN_ONLY cards. It can be indicated by the Success==3DS in Google payment response. 3-D Secure authentication does not differ from the standard 3-D Secure.
  2. CRYPTOGRAM_3DS (tokenized) - cards that are stored tokenized on the payer’s device. Tokenized cards are only available on the device where the card was added to the Google Pay™ app.
    The token contains the number and expiration date of the virtual card as well as the 3-D Secure cryptogram. Customer 3-D Secure verification for tokenized cards is not required.

Google Pay™ Allowed Networks

Payment Gateway supports all networks specified in the allowedCardNetworks Google request parameter, such as: VISA, MASTERCARD, etc. For the complete list of allowed networks refer to Payneteasy support.

Required Parameters for Google Pay™ Integration

  1. Register with Google, accept Google Terms of Service, and receive a Google merchant ID after website passes a Google review.

  2. Request googleMerchantGatewayID from Payneteasy support, which looks like: eXXX.mXXX.gate.payneteasy.com, where:

    eXXX - endpointID
    mXXX - merchantID
    An example of googleMerchantGatewayID: e123.m567.gate.payneteasy.com
  3. Set gatewayID=google.gatewayid.

  4. ENDPOINTID or ENDPOINTGROUPID received from Payneteasy support.

  5. Control-key and Connecting Party login received from Payneteasy support.

Google Pay™ Sale Flow

skinparam roundcorner 20
skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
skinparam ParticipantPadding 30
actor "Плательщик" as p
participant "Мобильное приложение \nПрисоединяющейся Стороны" as m
participant Payneteasy as ppg
autonumber "(##)"
p -> m: Инициализация
activate m
== Извлечение информации \nтокена Google Pay ==
m -> m: Проверка доступности \nGoogle Pay на устройстве
m --> p: Экран платежа, содержащий \nкнопку GooglePay
activate p
p -> m: Нажатие кнопки GooglePay
deactivate p
m -> m: Создание PaymentRequestData
m -> m: Вызов loadPaymentData \nPayneteasy, merchantGatewayId \nПолучение токена Google Pay
== Запрос на проведение оплаты ==
m -> ppg: /mapi/v1/sale/ENDPOINTID \nencrypted-type=googlepay \nencrypted-data=hex(json токена Google Pay)
activate ppg
ppg --> m: type=async-response, paynet-order-id=orderId
ppg -> ppg: Проверка подписи и \nрасшифровка информации токена
alt authMethod=CRYPTOGRAM_3DS
ppg -> ppg : Обработка платежа
else authMethod=PAN_ONLY
ppg-> ppg: Остановка обработки\nset status=declined
== Запрос статуса ==
m -> ppg: /api/v2/status/ENDPOINTID\n orderId=orderId
ppg--> m: Ответ\nstatus,order-stage
deactivate ppg
m--> p: Показ результата
deactivate m

(2)-(6) To implement retrieving of Google Pay token data within mobile application, please follow official tutorial from Google: https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/guides/tutorial.
(7) To implement Mobile API sale request, see /mapi/v1/sale/.
(12) To implement order status request see /api/v2/status/. Status should be requested multiple times with 3-5 seconds interval until final status will be received in response.