5.4. Transaction Marker Notification


The Transaction marker notification tool is used to notify users about specific issues that might happen to transactions and usually require quick response. Each time the specified transaction marker is triggered, it will send email notification to user’s email address. For example, if notifications for chargebacks are enabled, user will get a new email notification for each chargeback applied to a processed transaction. Email content can be customized.

The main screen displays a list of all notifications, their status, ID, subject, language, merchant name, message type and marker type.

pic92 merchant faq


To add a new marker, press the Create button in the upper right corner. Notification configuration box will appear with the following parameters:

pic92 merchant faq





Marker type:

  • Chargeback

  • Chargeback after ethoca reversal

  • Chargeback after reversal

  • Duplicated chargeback

  • Failed cancels

  • Failed captures

  • Failed PAN eligibility

  • Failed payin session initiators

  • Failed payout session initiators

  • Failed reversals/refunds

  • Failed scorings

  • Fraud

  • Inconsistent order status

  • Incorrect decline code

  • Multiple master approvals

  • Phone verification

  • Processor callback notification

  • Refused payouts

  • Refused refunds

  • Retrieval

  • User defined


To select a merchant, enter the name or ID of the merchant


All emails for this marker will have this subject

Message type

  • Email - Email with plain text.

  • Email (HTML) - Email with HTML support.


All emails for this marker will have this text message.
Transaction Marker Notification supports Message Templates. Additionally $!{MARKER_TYPE_NAME} was added.