3. Orders

3.2. Recurring Payments

The screen is located in the “Orders” section.
This screen displays recurring payments (for example, subscriptions).
Basic search is performed by date and exact criteria:

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The Criteria button contains additional search parameters:

Recurrence status

Allows to select the specified repetition status of the recurring transaction:
Failed – unsuccessful attempt;
Scheduled – planned attempt;
Stopped – currently paused or finished attempt.

Recurrence type

Allows to select the specified repetition type of the recurring transaction:
Manual – recurring payments are initiated manually;
Auto – recurring payments are initiated automatically in accordance with the set schedule;
Native- recurring payments use special integration with the acquiring bank.


Allows to select the specific endpoint if there are several endpoints available.


Allows to select the specified project if there are several projects available.
Select one or more search criteria and click Search to find the needed transactions.

3.3. Ethoca Alerts

This section allows to see alerts from Ethoca which helps in preventing chargebacks:

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3.4. ChargebackHelp

This section allows to see alerts from Verifi which helps in preventing chargebacks:

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